![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My name is Linda, the new owner of theSMASHEDpenny. I am located in Central Florida. I recently purchased the site and inventory from Dan of Southern California.I have been collecting elongated coins for over 20 years. Our family owns several penny machines and we are learning about dies so we can try our hand at engraving in the future. Currently theSMASHEDpenny site is under construction as I learn to personalize it. I am really excited about this new project and learning experience. I have lots of ideas. Until I complete the revisions, the store will be "closed" for a little bit. I hope to have things up and running by late Summer 2009. If you would like to reach me, email me and I will get back to you. SMASHED pennies also go by other names: rolled pennies, flat pennies, souvenir pennies, elongated coins, and pressed coins are just a few. People have been SMASHING and collecting these flattened coins since the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. Decades ago, SMASHED pennies were purchased from attended machines at fairs or by mail order from private rollers. Now you can press them yourself at museums or tourist attractions, on machines that are the size of small refrigerators. These machines are either electric or hand crank operated. To make them yourself, you insert your coins, push a button or turn a hand crank a few times, and as you watch, out pops a brand new shiny flattened penny. There are many collectors, including myself, that will go out of their way to find a machine and get that SMASHED penny for their collection. Now you can purchase some here on my site! Return to the top of this page. Webmaster Linda |